Rep. Epps on the Issues.
Saw the negative mailers misrepresenting Rep. Epps’ record? Get the facts.
Representative Epps sponsors legislation that advances good governance, promotes justice, and helps Coloradans have what they need to be healthy, safe, and free.
The policy priorities identified herein represent only a sampling of Rep. Epps’ legislative work. She’s also cosponsored and supported bills impacting agriculture, business development, energy, and more. While Rep. Epps is proud to have prime sponsored dozens of bills and cosponsored over 300 more, she believes strongly: quality is much more important than quantity.
Policy Positions + Legislation
2023-2024 Legislation
Representative Epps has one of the most bipartisan voting records in the General Assembly; she works with legislators across the state and across the aisle to advance policy improving lives of Coloradans.
Legislation sponsored by Rep. Epps, Colorado 74th General Assembly.
2024 Legislation
Prime Sponsor
Sponsor (Pre-Introduction)
Resolutions | Memorials
2023 Regular Session
Prime Sponsor
Sponsor (Pre-Introduction)
Resolutions | Memorials
2023 Special Session