Rep. Epps’ Record vs. Opposition Lies
Rep. Epps votes for HD6, not for corporations.
Rep. Epps' opponents spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on dishonest ads targeting Rep. Epps and other progressives. Dark money mailers accused Rep. Epps of voting NO on bills that not only did she vote YES on, but in most cases she also co-sponsored the legislation.
Linked for each bill below are official vote count from Colorado General Assembly, and in cases where Rep. Epps cosponsored the legislation, links to final signed act showing Rep. Epps' name as sponsor.
Opposition ads falsely accused Rep. Epps of voting No on legislation she supports.
HB24-1304 Minimum Parking Requirements
→Rep. Epps’ vote: YES + CoSponosor
HB24-1349 Firearms & Ammunition Excise Tax
→Rep. Epps’ vote: YES + CoSponsor
HB24-1280 Welcome, Reception, & Integration Grant Program
→Rep. Epps’ vote: YES + CoSpsonor
HB24-1338 Cumulative Impacts & Environmental Justice
→Rep. Epps’ vote: YES + CoSponsor
HB24-1346 Energy & Carbon Management Regulation
→Rep. Epps’ vote: YES
HB24-1346 Energy & Carbon Management Regulation
→Rep. Epps’ vote: YES
HB24-1430 2024-2025 Appropriations Long Bill (the Budget!)
→Rep. Epps’ vote: YES
HB24-1353 Firearms Dealer Requirements & Permit
→Rep. Epps [exc.]
Rep. Epps prioritizes people over politics.
Rep. Epps is proud of her record and supports bills that advance progressive, evidenced-based policy. While opponents tried to misrepresent her record, Rep. Epps stands by her principled votes, positions she takes after extensive stakeholding, research, and collaboration.
Below are some of the bills featured in deceptive oppoition ads run against Rep. Epps.
SB24-053 Racial Equity Study.
SB24-053: Why I Voted No.
SB24-053: “Auditioning for Humanity.”
SB24-053: “No thank you.”
SB24-003 CBI Extra Funding Bill | What opposition doesn’t want you to know:
Rep. Epps is supported by Moms Demand Action, certified as a Gun Sense candidate both 2022 and 2024.
Other progressive Dems who voted No on SB24-003 include: Reps. Bacon, Hernandez, Herod, Mabrey, Rutinel…
Rep. Epps sponsored the Assault Weapons ban that passed the House in 2024 because she is a true leader on gun violence prevention.
Review the full list of strong firearms legislation sponsored and supported by Rep. Epps.
SB24-003: "More Money ≠ More Safety."
HB23-1135 Rep. Epps is a survivor of abuse and has committed her life’s work to creating healthy communities free from sexual violence.
Rep. Epps supports work that stops harm, address root caucus of harm to prevent its recurrence, protects victims, and facilitates healing. 1135 does none of the above. The bill is deceptively titled, it plays on fear not facts, and it does not increase victim safety.
Opposition wants you to think Rep. Epps’ No vote is an outlier, when in actuality most Democrats opposed the proposal. (27 of 46 Dems voted No.)
Interestingly, the same people paying for this ad against Rep. Epps support another candidate who also voted No - just a reminder that the ads are meant to scare and divide. Ask yourself: why when most Dems voted No, do they only target the Black woman?