Democracy & Good Governance.
Transparency, Colorado Open Meetings Law.
Representative Epps has always prioritized transparency and accountability, but not before she arrived at the legislature did she realize the degree to which she would need to lead on both issues. Rep. Epps will continue to insist that the legislature follow Colorado Open Meetings Law, ensuring Coloradans regain access to participate in and observe the formation of public business.
Of note, Rep. Epps is one of the six Democrats who courageously voted against SB24-157, which meant standing up the the Democratic establishment, as the bill was prime sponsored by the House Speaker, Speaker Pro Tem, and Senate President. SB-157 reflects a major setback for open government work, because it unjustifiably exempts legislators from certain provisions of the Open Meetings Law. The bill misappropriated language of actual transparency and exclude the public from public business conducted electronically.
Voting, Elections.
Colorado voters overwhelmingly have access to safe, fair, open elections, thanks to our universal mail-in ballots and same-day voter registration. We must expand voter access even further. Residents should be able to vote in local elections independent of citizenship, if municipalities so decide. Localities should also be able to lower the voting age for school board races. Urgently, Colorado must re-enfranchise voting rights to all adults, regardless of their current or past conviction status.
Selected legislation sponsored by Rep. Epps that advances democracy, good governance, and voting rights include:
*HB24-1296 was a critical bill that would’ve established long overdue records retention rules for the legislature. Because the bill was voted down by the Dem majority in Senate State Affairs, there is not a Senate version of the bill reflecting cosponsors (incl. Rep. Epps).
PICTURED: Rep Epps with then-Senator Obama, 2008.