Public Health & Healthcare.
Rep. Epps has always been passionate about healthcare access. She studied Biomedical Ethics in graduate school, was a healthcare-focused legislative aide in the U.S. Senate working on medicaid policy, and studied comparative healthcare policy during study abroad programs/visiting scholar programs in Canada and the United Kingdom. With strong subject matter experience, Rep. Epps remains committed to securing universal healthcare for all Americans.
Rep. Epps has been personally affected by the overdose crisis, as have far too many Coloradans. That’s why she served on the Opioid Interim Committee which led to 4 critical bills in Prevention, Harm Reduction, Recovery, and Treatment, all of which she sponsored and all of which became law. Rep. Epps trusts public health experts to lead the work on public health crises, and she knows legislators must follow the lead of the subject matter experts if we want to save lives.
Legislation Sponsored by Rep. Epps on healthcare includes:
SB24-068 Medical Aid-in-Dying
HB23-1215 Limits On Hospital Facility Fees
SB24-176 Update Medicaid Member Terminology
Prescription Drug Affordability and Access.
HB24-1438 Implement Prescription Drug Affordability Programs
SB23-144 Prescription Drugs For Chronic Pain
HB23-1130 Drug Coverage For Serious Mental Illness
Drug Policy.
SB24-047 Prevention of Substance Use Disorders (Prime)
HB24-1037 Substance Use Disorders Harm Reduction (Prime)
SB24-048 Substance Use Disorders Recovery
HB24-1045 Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
HB24-1028 (Prime), and HB23-1202 (Prime), Overdose Prevention Centers.
HB24-1003 Opiate Antagonists and Detection Products in Schools
HB23-1167 Reporting Of Emergency Overdose Events
Pictured: Reps. Wilford & Epps present drug policy bill HB23-1202 in committee.